Integrated Action Learning Project Tracking Web Site


TS4990 Integrated Action Learning Project


Development of the Standard Information Tool System (SITS) for the Tools Group at Detroit Edison


William Sommerville


Dr. Sharon Bender


7 May 2006



Project Description/Project Report :


My project has been to develop a logging/documentation system within the Tools section of this company. SITS semi replaced a company trouble ticket logging system that records the problem and any solutions performed. This system has limits where procedures of exact step-by-step solutions area required for future reference. The supervisor wants an internal system to not only have a connection to a particular trouble ticket, but to display the documentation that was created to solve the ticket. The supervisor felt that by having a systems of this caliber not only would the group have an internal record of its business, but an up to date documentation section. He wanted this system to be maintain within a database and did not want to use MS-Access or IBM-DB2, but would go with Oracle if the research had determines that was the best way to go.

The request to copy the database being used for the current trouble ticket system was denied. Based upon this there was some dual work, but it has been kept to a minimum to the satisfaction of the Stakeholder. This has become a great asset for the Tools Group. Since it was developed internally providing savings on cost, it did not receive the political strife that was perdicted earlier. This project was completed on time (6 June 2006).

Page Links:


Acknowledgements and Dedication


            > Acknowledgements [ I wish to thank the team for doing what we are, a team. With all the key elements involved, the team jumped right on challenging situations that could have done us in as far as the schedule is concern. My success is in their long hours and hard work.]

            > Dedication [ This dedicated to the people who will use it the most, the team. If anyone deserve reconition, they do.]


Project Reports


            > Integrated Action Learning Project Plan

            > Integrated Action Learning Project Final Report


Weekly Tracking of IAL Project


            > Unit 6 – Week 1

            > Unit 7 – Week 2

            > Unit 8 – Week 3

            > Unit 9 – Week 4

            > Unit 10 – Week 5