[William SommervilleName]


Unit 4


[Development of the Standard Information Tool System (SITS) for the Tools Group at Detroit EdisonProject Title]



Integrated Action Final Report


<Development of the Standard Information Tool System (SITS) for the Tools Group at Detroit EdisonProject Title>


<Your NameWilliam Sommerville>


TS4990 Integrated Action Learning Project


Instructor, <Dr Sharon BenderName>


<11 June, 2006Date>



Project Description


<My project has been to develop a logging/documentation system within the Tools section of this company. SITS semi replaced a company trouble ticket logging system that records the problem and any solutions performed. This system has limits where procedures of exact step-by-step solutions area required for future reference. The supervisor wants an internal system to not only have a connection to a particular trouble ticket, but to display the documentation that was created to solve the ticket. The supervisor felt that by having a system of this caliber not only willsystems of this caliber not only would the group have an internal record of its business, but an up to date documentation section. He wanted this system to be maintain within a database and did not want to use MS-Access or IBM-DB2, but would go with Oracle if the research had determines that was the best way to go.

The request to copy the database being used for the current trouble ticket system was denied. Based upon this there was some dual work, but it has been kept to a minimum to the satisfaction of the Stakeholder. This has become a great asset for the Tools Group. Since it was developed internally providing savings on cost, it did not receive the political strife that was predicted earlier. This project was completed on time (63 Junely 2006).

This is your project statement. Describe the project in one or two paragraphs. Include the scope of the project, the main product(s) the project will produce, and the significance of the project. How will this project benefit you and the organization, community, or industry? Also include specific assumptions you made for this project. This is where you would add background material about your project. Delete instructions in each section after reading. Do not include instructions with your submission.>


My IAL project woul 

Project Objectives


The objective in the SITS project was the following


* Develop a real time database (DB) tracking systems

* Perform research on the best DB for the project

* Insure reliability of its operations

* Incorporate it in the teams arsenal of tools

* Provide regular updates to team and Stakeholder

* Have SITS ready for launch NLT 6 June 2006


These objective were archived.


Project Schedule

In producing my IAL Project I will apply the following project schedule:




Research Phase

5/8/06 – 5/14/06

Task 1: Establish DB requirements.

Task  2: Research available DBÕs (in house).

Task  3: Research available DBÕs (out of house).

Task  4: Report findings/Recommendations.

Task  5: Conduct team-meeting briefing on project progress (SITS).

Assisting Resources:




Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the Capstone Project.

Briefing documentation








6 Personnel



DB department, documentation

Internet, vendors

Conf room



Analysis Phase

5/15/06 – 5/21/06

Task 1: Acquire DB analyze structure (Dev box).

Task 2: Analyze DB & server requirements (Test box).

Task 3: Analyze DB & server requirements (Stage/Prod box).

Task 4: Analyze differences per systems.

Task 5: Conduct team-meeting briefing on project progress (SITS).

Assisting Resources:



Briefing documentation






6 Personnel





Funding (if out of house), 1 server

3 servers, DB

conf room



Documentation Phase

5/22/06 – 5/28/06

Task 1: Develop DB (DS14) (Phase 1 Text Data Phase).

Task 2: Develop DB (DS14) (Phase 2 Graphic/Photo Data Phase).

Task 3: Develop DB (DS14) (Phase 3 Graphic DB Controls).

Task 4: Establish network server connections.

Task 5: Develop DB testing (TS14), staging(SS14), production(PS14) procedures.

Task 6: Document phases, requirements and users instructions.

Task 7: Conduct team-meeting briefing on project progress (SITS).

Assisting Resources:



Briefing documentation






6 Personnel



5 servers, network, DB

Word processor

Conf room



Testing Phase

5/29/06 – 6/4/06

Task 1: Test operations with DB (TS14) on test server.

Task 2: Test operations with DB (SS14) on staging server.

Task 3: Test operations with DB (PS14) on staging server.

Task 4: Schedule partial operations with team on staging server.

Task 5: Modify documentation based up results.

Task 6: Conduct team-meeting briefing on project progress (SITS).

Assisting Resources:



Briefing documentation







6 personnel



3 servers, DB

Word processor

Conf room


Implementation Phase

6/5/06 – 6/11/06

Task 1: Establish training on new system for team.

Task 2: Conduct meeting briefing on project progress and Implementation date.

Task 3: Implement SITS

Task 4: Seek feedback from the Stakeholder.

Assisting Resources:



Operations Manuals

Briefing documentation






6 Personnel


Stakeholder, [Terry Richardson]




1 server

Network connections

DB Applications

Conf room



In summary the most challenging goal will be to acquire the right database for the application development within budget. The steps in development, testing, staging and finally production supports quality research, which in turn should produce a quality product.



RRisk Management

My Risk Factors were as follows:


Risk Factor Checklist

Risk Considerations



Medium Risk



Acquiring the proper DB




DB structure changes




Application design support




Backup scripts for DB




Proper DB server network support




Server support (Dev, Test, Stag, Prod)








High Risk Analysis

Risk Considerations

Risk Significance and Potential Solution

Requiring the Right DB for Project

The cost may limit the flexibility requirements. Either have the cost increased to acquire the DB or find a DB that meets the requirements for the cost set or less.












My contingency plan was to offset these risks. The result of the research produces a DB that not only met the requirements of operations, but well within cost also. The selection of the right DB was the key to this projects success. Not only in operations, but in productions standards, reliability, and effciency. Much of the expected setbacks did not seem to occure. There were challanges, but they were worked out with the proper research that was being conducted.



The DB that was selected provided a great online PDF documentation file. This electronic manual covered every aspect of the product. Other research material was as follows:


FileMake Pro Advance for Mac and Windows, by Cynthia L. Baron & Daniel Peck.

FileMaker 8 Desk Reference, Scott Love, Steve Lane & Bob Bowers.


These resources provide a more resoning behind the designed and functions of the product. These were a great source in trouble shooting situations.


Lessons Learned

The major lesson learned in my SITS project was a good team can make any challenge less severe. If it was not for the team working the issues in such a expedient manner. There would have been schedule problems. Good leadership helps also. The feedback I received (mostly from the team) were very helpful. This feedback was a major element that turned a good product into a better one.



Appendix A: Snapshot to Exemplify the SITS
Appendix B: Letter of Satisfactory Project Completion from Stakeholder, Terry Richardson

Main PageAppendix A: Documentation and research material supporting the decision of the selected DB.

Appendix BA: [Snapshots of the SITS in browse, list, search, and regular operational modes as developedSample of my work.] 

Appendix C: Feedback from team of progress and results.

Appendix D: Final schematic of the SITS operations (hardware & software) once in staging mode.

Appendix EB: Letter of Satisfactory Project Completion from Stakeholder, [Terry RichardsonName].