William Sommerville

Development of the Standard Information Tool System (SITS) for the Tools Group at Detroit Edison


Unit #8: 5/22/06 – 5/28/06 


Task 1: Develop DB (DS14) (Phase 1 Text Data Phase).

Status: Completed as of May 22 moving to Task 2

Task 2: Develop DB (DS14) (Phase 2 Graphic/Photo Data Phase).

Status: Completed as of May 24 moving to Task 3

Task 3: Develop DB (DS14) (Phase 3 Graphic DB Controls).

Status: Completed as of May 25 moving to Task 4

Task 4: Establish network server connections.

Status: Completed as of May 25 moving to Task 5

Task 5: Develop DB testing (TS14), staging(SS14), production(PS14) procedures.

Status: Completed as of May 26 moving to Task 6

Task 6: Document phases, requirements and users instructions.

Status: Completed as of May 27 moving to Task 7

Task 7: Conduct team-meeting briefing on project progress (SITS).

Status: Completed as of May 28 moving to Unit 9



Assisting Literature

Online Leaning Tool within product

FileMake Pro Advance for Mac and Windows, by Cynthia L. Baron & Daniel Peck.

FileMaker 8 Desk Reference, Scott Love, Steve Lane & Bob Bowers.



[What came up that needed to be addressed? Did you run into a problem or roadblock? How did you solve it? What important decisions did you make this week that impacted your project? What were the key tasks you performed this week? Do not state that there were no key decisions this week.]


During this week there were some challenges. The most significant was the establishment of the three (TS14, SS14, & PS14) servers. These were 3 Windows servers (that were on the shelves) that took extra time in the coordination process with server engineering and with the installation of the OS and the Server portion of FileMAker Pro. This put us behind some but we made up for it by continuing to work through the weekend including the meeting, which was performed by conference call on Sunday the 28th of May. This was due in order to stay on track with the schedule.



[Answer all questions below.]


1) What helpful feedback did you get in the class (instructor, classmates) and outside the class (user, stakeholder, beneficiary, mentor, expert advisor, others)? What did you learn from this feedback?


One was that in the learning section I need to move my direction a little towards the learning throught the operations of the project and not so much in a reference of the learning in the development of it. This seems feasible if this project will be of value in the future.

It seems the basic gui design is ok and has been approved by the team and the stakeholder. There was a recommendation of the following concerns or changes.


* The Tools field also have a drop down box feature where the user can select

   the appropriate tool.


* The Status field also have a drop down box feature with the selection of

  Open or Closed.


* The Status field also have a drop down box feature with the selection of   

  Open or Closed.


* Insure the Last Modified date is operational upon any updates performed

  on any record.


2) What resources did you use this week (e.g., people, money, equipment, systems, or software)? Did you add new resources? What was your learning?


* Still using the main software source of FileMaker Pro.


* Three servers (TS14, SS14, PS14).


* Three team personnel.


Learning: It was discovered that in an emergency, the database can be quickly moved to another server for use In addition it can be moved to even a desktop and used in a server mode capacity as long as either the server or desktop version of FileMaker Pro is installed. On a desktop, it will keep the updates but the performance is not as fast as in server mode.


3) What research did you perform this week that was assisting and/or literature based? What was your learning?


The research was with the online documentation in FileMaker Pro. We have learned that due to the unque design of this DB system. A backup system will be required to be operational in an emergency situation.


[Answer all questions below.]


1) How well did you stick to your project schedule?


Ran a little behind during the week with the server configurations .

We did get back on schedule by working the weekend.


2) How prepared are you to conclude your project in Unit 10 as required in this course?


Due to our weekend work and teleconference meeting we are back on tract and ready for Unit 10 tasks.


3) How likely is it that you will need to resort to your contingency plan?


None at this time.


[Make any additional comments here. You could provide links here to pages where we could view your work in progress on which to provide feedback.]


Please see snapshot of the project current state.


Please see snapshot of the project current state with Tools Drop Down Box.


Please see snapshot of the project current state with Status Drop Down Box .


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