Personal Information






About Me Shelby & Shelton (The Pooh-Pooh Brothers) Brianna ((Too Cute))

Hobbies and Famous Quotes:

Computers, Jazz, Reading, Travel, ( don't know why, been just about everywhere ) and basketball. I am an information nut. Favorite channels are TDC, THC, TLC and PBS. Documentaries are my thing. I believe PBS, NPR, Nova, Frontline, and a few others help me to understand the situation no matter if I liked it or not. This economic crisis was over ten years in the making, which means it will take some time before the situation becomes stable.

For those of you who got burned in the stocks a few years back. Take heart and note, wireless, laptops, flat screen monitors and pocket PDA's (now cell phones) will rule. It will be a more of a gradual process of growth. The need of mobility will be the driving force. Be careful out there and most of all be patient. You have a better chance of hitting the lottery than getting a over night get rich action. If you are over 40, then you have made your wealth. You can have only so many DVD players you know.

(((((( It takes millions to win a war, To lose one takes all you got. )))))))

(((((( Last minute decisions bring last minute results. )))))))

They say home is where the heart is. Now a days it is becoming more than just a castle. Check out what home has evolved into.


"There are always 3 sides to every story. There is my side, your side, then the truth.  Remember the folks you passed on the way up? They surely will remember you."

The Art of Leadership: Is the ability to have subordinates perform the tasks required, without the use of rank or authority.

" The only difference between men and women are when it comes to thoughts of the future. When a man and a woman meets, the woman thinks about future lover, husband, father, family. The man thinks about that night."

" Never add insult to injury "Don't go away mad, just go away."

" Takes two to tangle, takes one to mess up."

Political Stance(Please do not judge my work qualities based upon my political position)


A Little History