At First being just a little cute bundle, they did not have any idea what was in store for them.

They sleep with basic training closing in on them very quickly FULL METAL JACKET.

BANG, BANG, BANG, Sheldon was the first to wake. He first thought it was a joke. After a little drill and ceremony, he was wishing he was back to sleep. BONG, BONG, BONG Shelby took her time. She figure that she had enough ass to hand any drill and ceremony. She was wrong.

She was rebellious, got smart fast and tried to use some of the military stuff back on them. Jumping into the sock basket, she would camouflage herself. It worked pretty good for a while. Until old drill went to put his socks on. BANG, BANG, BANG, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, she just could not understand what all the fuss was about. She just wanted her beauty sleep.

goodpose.jpg (11768 bytes)Sheldon was smart also and had already washed up , cleaned up his latrine, and was standing ready for inspection. Sheldon knew the deal if he was not ready. The last time he lost his pass for a whole week and could not go off the base. He will never forget that week. He though he would go crazy. Several times old drill caught him biting the wood on the back of the piano.Drill just gave him about 100 push ups and Sheldon has been right as rain since.

mut_jeff.jpg (16056 bytes).

Formation time as they line up. Shelby still has problems with her standing. Sheldon seems to have the touch. HUP TWO, THREE FOUR, HUP TWO, THREE FOUR, now it is looking better.

But old Shelby still wants to go back to sleep. Sheldon has named her PVT Benjamin. Shelby hates that name and by the look at the camera, shows her displeasure as old drill lines her up for another formation drill.

Break time and drill lets them take a break. Boy old drill is tough, but Sheldon seem to be hanging in there. As he poses for the camera, he makes sure that his uniform is squared away and shows a good parade rest position.

Where is Shelby?Sleeping again, old PVT Benjamin and she got Sheldon with her this time. Well they better get moving for old drill finds them.

Back at it again, they are looking much better as a team mut_jeff2.jpg (11902 bytes)Out on the range they see the enemyenemy.jpg (12655 bytes)

Shelby puts herattack.jpg (16029 bytes) training to use and attacks quickly running the enemy off in a hurry. Sheldon is there as backup and does a good job of holding Shelby back when the enemy has crossed over the DMZ back to their side.

Long day and it is time for a shower. Shelby can't wait to get into bedShelby did take enough time to clean her plate like Sheldon did. They are one of the few PVT's that are Kitty Litter Trained. Sheldon says old drill is hard, but fair. And he does feed us well. Anyway Sheldon got fire guard while Shelby sleeps. Shelby was going to sleep anyway don't care if the whole barracks burn down. Get your rest PVT SHELDON and PVT SHELBY. You have a another long day coming.