Differnces and some features between a Windows and Mac



Short lessons on the differences and some features between Windows and Mac.
There is an infinite volume of info you can research on Google, etc
There are just three short lesson.
Questions can be sent to my email address; wsommer1@ford.com or billsommerville@billsommerville.com


Lessons below:

Lesson 1

1. Menu Difference
A. Show Windows Menu/Mac Menu difference
B. Operations is the same
C. Exception are some third party applications (Windows guru’s)

2. Finder Operations
A. Features of Finder
B. Show the Force Quit Feature Reluarch
C. Show how clicking the background from an application brings Finder right up

3. Copy and Paste Differences
A. Windows show CTRL then Key.
B. Mac is command button then key
C. On a PC Keyboard use the Windows button, then key

Link to video for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lesson 1

Lesson 2

1. System Preferences
A. General
B. Dock & Menu Bar
C. Date & Time
D. Sound Effects
E. Network
2. Terminal
A. SSH, Linux, Unix other Mac’s
B. Mac version of Remote Desktop

Link to video for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lesson 2

Lesson 3

1. Pages
A. Show how it works like Word
2. Numbers
A. Show how it works like Excel
3. Keynote
A. Show how it works like PowerPoint
4. How mail works/remote with Finder

Link to video for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Update on some of the operations of Finder

Link to video for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Finder

5. X11 for the MAC

Link to video for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>X11 MAC

Links seen in video

Apple Support: https://support.apple.com/kb/dl641?locale=en_US
Rice University: https://kb.rice.edu/page.php?id=74034
Quartz: https://www.xquartz.org/
Dartmouth: https://kb.thayer.dartmouth.edu/article/336-x11-for-windows-and-mac

NOTE: The demonstrations I have presented are related to a regular Mac. Ford images will present some differences.
              Based upon this, it is important to communicate among the team like we do with Windows to better understand
              the operations being presented.