Who in the hell is Bill Sommerville?

Good question, no one special. I turned out to be the one person I did not think I would ever become, a total nerd, glasses and all. What makes it funny is that I love it. I have been into computers for years. To make sure I was  on the right track, I went and acquired my education with two degrees (Computer Science & Information Technology). I really had little choice since my son went and acquired his degree in Electrical Engineering and my wife in Business Administration. And yes you guessed it, If I am a nerd, my son is a super nerd like you would not believe.

My son runs a business online (Cadence) and I run a Jazz radio station call Jazzerainious. If you go to www.jazzerainious.com, my son’s business is there as well. We both are employed in Fortune 500 companies and my wife works for the government. I also have two granddaughters where one is doing well as coordinator for Fed-X and my youngest one is still in learning mode. To say I am blessed would be an understatement. With guidance from my grandparents, I have learned the balance between confidence, aggression, humility and the best times in using them.

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