
Too Cute Again!
Yep! she is at it again.
She gets her way in just about in everything. However, mom won't let her have her way all the time. She gets a few spankings, but the disagreements or anger never last long. Make-up are only a few hours away. Brianna has the run of the house. She only goes in certain areas. Of all of her chacter, she is a very good doggie. Before Covid, we took her to all of our shopping stores with no issues. Now, one of us stays in the car with her. Like with Shelby and Sheldon, we take lots of pictures and since I am a tech nerd, I work up the sites with her being the star attraction. She has become the darlin of the family and the center of attention all the time. We are all the time talking about her. Where is she, what did she eat, Is she cold, Why is she barking, Is she hungry. on and on. As with all dogs
Mi Mi has her ways. She likes water with ice in it. She is mostly a veggie doggie to where she love green beans and asparagus. Lately she has developed a habit of coming into the kitchen right after daddy finish cooking breakfast or dinner.
So at first she was picky and sometime would not eat what dad had cooked. Now, after learning that she did not get a chance to eat, she eats whatever dad cooks with no problem at all. She was an expensive pup from jump street and eats expensive as well. she does not eat just any green beans. They must cost at least 5 bucks. She love salmon, some checken, top sirlion steak of course, and her doggie treats are between 5-20 bucks. The only reason we cater to this is because she does not eat much of it. However, sooner or later it is gone and more has to be acquired. She pays for it in her ways of enteraining us, which she does a very good job of doing. Little Briaana is our bundle of joy and to make sure she lasts as long as possible, she gets the best care, and she knows it.