Tom - I had a patient that was really sick. Even though he was told that he had covid, he refused to believe it. He believed what Trump said about it going away after the election. He was angry because we would not let his family see him. It got so bad to a point to where he said that we had poison him with covid just to make it look like covid. -------------------------------------------- Jamie - In one week, I have had 16 of my patience pass away. Some of them I went to school with. How do you cope with something like this? -------------------------------------------- Mary - Lost my best friend in less than 2 hours after she arrived at the hospital. I had to suck it up and take care of others while grieving over her. By the end of the day I lost 3 more people I did not know. I was crying so hard heading home, I had to pull over and wipe my face before I could drive further. -------------------------------------------- Robert - Now that we have a vaccine, there is a new vardiant on covid. No one can answer the question can the vaccine handle the mutation. This is just an additional issue of confusion where trust will be tested upon us all. --------------------------------------------